Saturday, April 9, 2011

THE book... Proof approved!

It's about numbers. It's about love.
It's like a dream come true for us! We received a proof of our book today; it was delivered Next Day. What quick, wonderful service! Thank you, Mira Publishing! The illustrator and I looked over the book thoroughly and we agreed it is ready to go to print. This means that there is a very good possibility that those hoping for an Easter delivery will get it. I will do my very best to track down the Easter Bunny so that s/he can fill the kiddos' baskets with this no-calorie, good-for-the-brain treat!

We haven't seen the article in the Missourian yet, but I will share that link when I see it.

In the meantime, for those of you who already ordered, I will let you know when the books are done. I will pick them up personally and deliver ASAP.

If you'd like to order a copy, please see link at top right of page. There will also be an option to purchase directly from Mira Digital Publishing (link available soon).

We are already working on our next book! We actually have a couple more in the works. One is about a little boy (hmmmmm.... I wonder what his name is?) who has a little trouble going to sleep... it's based on a true story. It's a story that I've been sharing with Jack, his classmates and other kids for a while. Stay tuned!

Sweet dreams and GO MATH!

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